OpenStack 無法新增、刪除實例,instance-XXXXXXXX could not be found



#  euca-describe-availability-zones verbose

AVAILABILITYZONE        nova    available
AVAILABILITYZONE        |- OpenStackServer1
AVAILABILITYZONE        | |- nova-consoleauth   enabled :-) 2012-06-21 10:30:49
AVAILABILITYZONE        | |- nova-compute       enabled XXX 2012-06-21 10:30:45
AVAILABILITYZONE        | |- nova-scheduler     enabled :-) 2012-06-21 10:30:44
AVAILABILITYZONE        | |- nova-network       enabled :-) 2012-06-21 10:30:44
AVAILABILITYZONE        | |- nova-cert  enabled :-) 2012-06-21 10:30:50

發現 nova-compute 沒有順利運行,於是按照過往經驗,想說重啟 NTP也許就會自己修的好,便輸入指令:

# sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart

接著重啟 NOVA各組件,靜待個幾秒鐘,再回頭看各組件狀態........

唉,nova-compute還是一樣 XXX,WEB瀏覽器裡,出問題的 instance依舊是建造中,就算透過WEB,選擇了刪除也沒用,透過 EUCA指令下達刪除命令也沒用,無奈之下只好去看LOG檔。

# nano /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log


2012-06-21 17:29:48 WARNING nova.compute.manager [req-68187ebd-4888-4806-905a-bc6bcc8ac461 None None] trying to reboot a non-running instance: 590be2d7-df10-45ee-a56c-1085aa696b5f (state: 8 expected: 1)

2012-06-21 17:29:48 INFO nova.virt.libvirt.connection [-] [instance: 3ad7fb88-0bf7-4614-8243-8dd1bbc8022d] Instance running successfully.

2012-06-21 17:29:49 CRITICAL nova [-] Instance instance-00000015 could not be found.



但至少我得知了 nova-compute 會啟不來,是因為有實例狀態處在不穩定的狀況下。

最後找到國外有人直接修改 MYSQL 資料庫,把錯誤的狀態修復回來(或是說,讓OPENSTACK以為系統已經正常了),讓系統繼續正常運行。

I remember having a similar problem not long ago. You don't need to delete the entry from the "instance" table, just set "deleted=1" in this entry:

update instance set deleted=1 where id=XXX;

With XXX being the id of the entry you want to change.

That is just my "quick&dirty" solution, I'm not sure whether that's all nova changes in the db when it deletes an instance. For example I noticed that if you're instance had a floating ip you'll also need to modify that entry, so that the floating ip is available once more.


於是我登入 PHPMYADMIN,選擇 NOVA 資料庫,修改 interface 資料表,搜尋出狀況的實例名稱,把不正常的欄位內容,都比照已刪除的欄位內容修改,最後儲存。(先前實例占用的浮動IP也要檢查一下:資料表 fixed_ips  )

此時回到 WEB儀表版,已沒有刪不掉的實例了,實例的新增、刪除也皆以正常!




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